Thursday 16 April 2020
The seminar aims to share pragmatic approaches to tackle the pollution of aquatic ecosystems by microplastics from their monitoring and characterisation to the required actions for societal change.
A parallel objective is to create synergies between ongoing and upcoming large scale projects (especially European Commission and JPI Oceans projects).
Thursday 16 April 2020
The seminar aims to share pragmatic approaches to tackle the pollution of aquatic ecosystems by microplastics from their monitoring and characterisation to the required actions for societal change.
A parallel objective is to create synergies between ongoing and upcoming large scale projects (especially European Commission and JPI Oceans projects).
13:30 |
Presentation of running projects and initiatives in Europe |
Harmonisation of analytical measurement results for microplastics. Where are we now and how can it be achieved?
Dr Håkan Emteborg
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (EU)
Microplastic in Nature and Society: Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA)
Dr. Filipa Bessa
MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre
Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra, (PT)
Biobased plastics: hype or hope?
Prof. Jean Marie Raquez
University of Mons (BE)
Microplastics in Europe's freshwater ecosystems: From sources to solutions.
Limnoplast: EC funded project under H2020 programme
Dr. Andrej Krzan
National Institute of Chemistry (SI)
Training of ESRs for the development of technologies to monitor concentrations of micro and nanoplastics in water uptake and threat to animal and human life.
Monplas: EC funded project under H2020 programme
Dr Daniel Hill
Aston University (UK)
Microplastics in river sediment and water across the globe.
The 100 rivers plastic project.
Dr. Holly Nel
University of Birmingham (UK)
Integrated approach on the fate of microplastics towards healthy marine ecosystems
MicroplastiX : JPI Ocean project
Prof. Soledad Muniategui Lorenzo
Head of the University Institute of Environment
University of A Coruña (ES)
Evaluation of the occurrence of microplastic particles in the digestive tract of freshwater fish and invertebrates
Dr. Delphine Leroy
Institut Scientifique de Service Public | ISSEP. (BE)
Toward environmental friendly flame-retardant additives for polymeric materials
Dr. Fouad Laoutid
Materia Nova (BE)
Microplastic pollution from synthetic textiles: quantitative evaluation and mitigation strategies
Dr. MariaCristina Cocca
Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials
National Research Council of Italy
Dr Håkan Emteborg
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (EU)
Microplastic in Nature and Society: Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA)
Dr. Filipa Bessa
MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre
Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra, (PT)
Biobased plastics: hype or hope?
Prof. Jean Marie Raquez
University of Mons (BE)
Microplastics in Europe's freshwater ecosystems: From sources to solutions.
Limnoplast: EC funded project under H2020 programme
Dr. Andrej Krzan
National Institute of Chemistry (SI)
Training of ESRs for the development of technologies to monitor concentrations of micro and nanoplastics in water uptake and threat to animal and human life.
Monplas: EC funded project under H2020 programme
Dr Daniel Hill
Aston University (UK)
Microplastics in river sediment and water across the globe.
The 100 rivers plastic project.
Dr. Holly Nel
University of Birmingham (UK)
Integrated approach on the fate of microplastics towards healthy marine ecosystems
MicroplastiX : JPI Ocean project
Prof. Soledad Muniategui Lorenzo
Head of the University Institute of Environment
University of A Coruña (ES)
Evaluation of the occurrence of microplastic particles in the digestive tract of freshwater fish and invertebrates
Dr. Delphine Leroy
Institut Scientifique de Service Public | ISSEP. (BE)
Toward environmental friendly flame-retardant additives for polymeric materials
Dr. Fouad Laoutid
Materia Nova (BE)
Microplastic pollution from synthetic textiles: quantitative evaluation and mitigation strategies
Dr. MariaCristina Cocca
Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials
National Research Council of Italy
15:00 |
Coffee break and Visit to the awareness campaign exhibition |
15:30 |
The link to Erasmus Maris |
Solutions to create links between scientific research and innovation to education.
Dr. Kamel Labibes
Ayam Sailing Europe Aisbl (BE)
Dr. Kamel Labibes
Ayam Sailing Europe Aisbl (BE)
Friday 17 April 2020
The aim here is to present the main results of The Pedagogical Sailboat project an discuss the possibilities of extending at a larger scale both the experiences and the partnership in the frame of a new bottom-up initiative called Erasmus Maris
Friday 17 April 2020
The aim here is to present the main results of The Pedagogical Sailboat project an discuss the possibilities of extending at a larger scale both the experiences and the partnership in the frame of a new bottom-up initiative called Erasmus Maris
8:30 |
Registration |
9:00 |
Welcome |
9:15 |
The pedagogical sailboat project and the Erasmus Maris initiative |
From The Pedagogical Sailboat project to the Erasmus Maris.
Dr. Kamel Labibes
Ayam Sailing Europe
Dr. Kamel Labibes
Ayam Sailing Europe
09:45 |
Strenthening the links between science, education, industry and public administrations in the frame of the Erasmus Maris initiative |
The contribution of the European Commission (DG JRC) towards the attainment of excellence
Dr Håkan Emteborg
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (EU)
Title to be confirmed
Mr. Olivier De Wasseige
Chief Executive and Managing Director
Walloon Business federation (Union Wallonne des Entreprises)
Sulapac-material innovation that leaves no microplastics behind
Dr. Maija Pohjakallio
Sustainability Director
Sulapac Ltd
Dr Håkan Emteborg
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (EU)
Title to be confirmed
Mr. Olivier De Wasseige
Chief Executive and Managing Director
Walloon Business federation (Union Wallonne des Entreprises)
Sulapac-material innovation that leaves no microplastics behind
Dr. Maija Pohjakallio
Sustainability Director
Sulapac Ltd
10:30 |
Coffee break - Visit to the awareness campaign exhibition |
11:00 |
Roundtable Workshop |
Discussions on the possibilities of strengthening the links between science, education in the frame of the new proposed initiative ‘Erasmus Maris’. This session aims to share views for the development of a European platform and an action plan for the Erasmus Maris initiative.
13:00 |
Wrap up and actions |